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The look and feel of conferences are changing... with COVID specific responses now in place. These responses are being continually reviewed in line with government advice and industry best practice.



Corinium is committed to your safety.

Book & Attend With Confidence.

We’ll ensure the value you gain in attending, where sharing experiences and networking isn't undermined by anxiety. Our team and venues are working closely to ensure that only healthy people attend our events, contact tracing is recorded, and we run the event in accordance with government requirements. See below for more detail.




Keep an eye out for our clear reminder signage throughout each venue.

Social Distancing


Social Distancing

Using guidance from the Government we are implementing signage and crowd flows measures to ensure the  rule between individuals.




We are working with each venue to ensure that they are safe and continue to adhere to appropriate hygiene standards.

Catering and Food


Catering & Food

We’re teaming up with each venue to ensure food service is both safe and also adheres to social distancing rules.

Contact Tracing


Contact Tracing

Our event tech/rego processes ensure that we have your details and everyone is checked in. You may also find we use additional measures to track where you are seated etc.

Separation Seating



We work with our venues to ensure seating plans are appropriate to each room and ensure distancing.